The Hunt Continues

In 1974, while the world watches the moon landing, Colin McLean and his dad, Andrew, are in Shreveport, Louisiana, captivated by the broadcast. Colin dreams of aliens, but his dad focuses on the scientific achievement. This mix of imagination and reality sets the stage for their adventure.

On the moon, astronauts Duke Thompson and William Barnes find a strange rock hiding a dormant creature—a bottom feeder. When the rock reaches NASA in Houston, the creature awakens, threatening Earth with its deadly instincts.

In Louisiana, as mysterious deaths linked to the bottom feeder occur, Andrew is pulled into a risky investigation. Alongside new allies like Madyson Grace McHenry, they uncover secrets beneath Louisiana’s surface, blurring the line between predator and prey in this thrilling survival story.


Bottom Feeder 2



The Fukushima Gambit

Uncover the chilling truth behind the world’s most elusive threat in “World War 3.11—The Fukushima Gambit.” In this heart-pounding political thriller, two nuclear weapons vanish during the first Gulf War, setting off a chain of events with global consequences.

Author James Davison’s gripping tale explores the real-life consequences of nuclear weapons in the wrong hands. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of suspense as you navigate the treacherous landscape of terrorism targeting America.

Inspired by actual events, his riveting narrative delves deep into the psyche of individuals and nations, offering a chilling glimpse into a world on the brink. Get ready for an electrifying adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

World War 3.11
I am Sarah

2023 Firebird Award Winner


The second in the Lazarus series is an epic journey through out time, weaving real history into the fictional story of Sarah - a young woman resurrected by Christ, who gains immortality.




Three people resurrected by the Son of God are stunned when the apostle Paul reveals that they are now immortal.

We sometimes wonder what God’s plan is for our short time on Earth.

In this story, three people resurrected by the Son of God—Lazarus of Bethany, the daughter of Jarius, and the son of the widow from Nain—are stunned when the apostle Paul reveals that they are now immortal.

Together they travel across the centuries, collecting and preserving the words of Jesus Christ. But it soon becomes clear that they must also become warriors for Christ as they elude a persistent group of zealots who are determined to permanently return them to the grave.


Three veteran lawmen must find a way to track and stop this alien menace before it can spread and cause the end of mankind.

Bottom Feeder is a book about a small alien creature, taken from its own universe and thrown into another one (ours) billions of years ago when a supermassive black hole (SMBH) forms – by the way, this fact is actually true.

At the center of our universe is a SMBH that is billions of years old. Most of the species from the other universe perish when this happens, though some, like the little creature in the book, are strong enough to survive.

It is eventually captured by the tail of the Swift-Tuttle comet, which orbits through the human solar system every 133 years. It exists for millions of years in the tail of the comet.

03. I Am Sarah

Immortal after being resurrected by Christ, Sarah fights alongside Elan and Lazarus during the Crusades. 

What would you do if you were immortal? In “I Am Sarah,” author James Davison explores this question through the fictional lives of the three people resurrected by the Son of God in AD 33—Lazarus of Bethany, the daughter of Jarius, and the son of the widow from Nain.

“I Am Sarah” is an entertaining and intriguing story told through the experiences of Sarah, who enters the Middle Ages as a warrior and becomes a stronger woman by embracing her calling to save lives rather than take them.

Readers were introduced to Lazarus, Sarah, and Elan in “I Am Lazarus,” the trilogy’s first book. It has been thirteen hundred years since their resurrections, and now the three central characters have gone their separate ways. Find out how their story continues.


Just outside a small town in Northwestern Louisiana, people begin to mysteriously disappear during summer thunderstorms. Even more confounding is that the killer leaves no bodies, only bones.

Bottom Feeder is a book about a small alien creature, taken from its own universe and thrown into another one (ours) billions of years ago when a supermassive black hole (SMBH) forms – by the way, this fact is actually true.

At the center of our universe is a SMBH that is billions of years old. Most of the species from the other universe perish when this happens, though some, like the little creature in the book, are strong enough to survive.

It is eventually captured by the tail of the Swift-Tuttle comet, which orbits through the human solar system every 133 years. It exists for millions of years in the tail of the comet.

This comet is where the meteor shower known as the “Perseid Meteor Showers” originates and during one of the comets orbits though our solar system, the creature and its home (like a large, interstellar rock) are kicked out of the comet’s tail and eventually crash into the earth, landing in a bayou just outside Minden, LA.

The alien is soon confronted by a human; a species that the alien now considers a food source.

Three veteran lawmen must find a way to track and stop this alien menace before it can spread and cause the end of mankind.

James A Davison

Thrilling Novels By James A. Davison

James Davison, author and songwriter, has traveled the world for his work in television news, politics, public relations, and law enforcement. His passion for reimagining history entertains and educates readers. He has dined with presidents, preachers, and prisoners. He draws on his many adventures, experiences, and relationships to craft his stories.

I am Sarah
I Am Sarah

This book follows real biblical characters through history, as they interact with well-known historical figures. Traveling with Sarah are Lazarus and Elan, two men who were also resurrected by Christ and now have immortality.

bottom feeder
Bottom Feeder

Just outside a small town in Northwestern Louisiana, people begin to mysteriously disappear during summer thunderstorms. Even more confounding is that the killer leaves no bodies, only bones…

I Am Lazarus
I Am Lazarus

We sometimes wonder what God’s plan is for our short time on Earth. In this story, three people resurrected by the Son of God—Lazarus of Bethany, the daughter of Jarius, and the son of the widow from Nain—are stunned when the apostle Paul reveals that they are now immortal.

trinity 3.11
Trinity 3.11

Trinity 3.11 is a blistering speculative history thriller that crisscrosses time and reality to reveal the scientific evidence, human blunders, political manipulation, and apocalyptic capacity of the current nuclear war-based global economy. 

James A. Davison



Never Judge a book by its cover


James Davison, author and songwriter, has traveled the world for his work in television news, politics, public relations, and law enforcement. His passion for reimagining history entertains and educates readers. He has dined with presidents, preachers, and prisoners. He draws on his many adventures, experiences, and relationships to craft his stories. His first book was the speculative fiction thriller Trinity 3.11 (2019). Followed in 2021 by the first of a trilogy series: I Am Lazarus. His latest book is Bottom Feeder; arriving in May 2022.


I am a research fanatic and a voracious reader. I read almost everything, Sci-Fi, historical fiction, biographies of important/political figures, and a ton of scientific material, depending on the topic on which I am about to write.


James has been writing since his teen years. He picked up a guitar after hearing the Allman Brothers Band for the first time in the 70s and started writing songs.  He has written more than 45 songs, which you will find on the reverbnation, under the stage name, “James McLean.”


Writing ‘I Am Lazarus,’ I felt compelled to understand what life might have been like for my characters. The pain of their deaths, the surprise of both their resurrections by Jesus and discovering their immortality, and then the burden of living forever, never telling anyone, never having children, never sure if what they were doing was the right thing.

World War 3.11
Political thrillers are not my go-to genre, but I loved this author’s last book “Bottom Feeder” and wanted to support him, so I started reading, expecting to skim through. Wowzer! James Davison takes the description “page-turner” to a whole new level in this book. And it’s not just because you want to see what’s going to happen next (but you do). It’s because with the author’s background in top level security, law enforcement, and emergency response, he has made the scenario of two nukes in the hands of fanatic terrorists so real that after I finished the book, I wanted to go out and buy a police scanner radio and then run to the store to stock up on water and non-perishable food for a home bomb shelter. If you’ve ever wondered what might happen if a nuclear bomb were detonated in the nation’s capital — who runs the country…who stabilizes the panicked citizens…who mobilizes the military response…how do rural citizens who live 60 miles away prepare for the massive evacuation of desperate people—you’ll have an idea from this story that’s so realistic you’ll be checking the copyright page to make sure it’s fiction instead of nonfiction. And the icing on the cake is that the last page of the book is an excerpt from Davison’s sequel to “Bottom Feeder.” Happy reading ahead!
E. Cottrell
Amazon Review
From a platform of nonfictional world events that have occurred, Author Davison takes readers on a mesmerizing and terrifying journey to where they could lead. In World War 3.11, the dangerous combination of religious fanaticism, political incompetency, and human frailty propel the planet into potential annihilation, and we can only watch, think … and turn the pages faster. Too credible to be ignored and too exciting to put down, the book's impact will last long after readers reach the words "The End." Cleverly written between the lines of this riveting novel is a message we should all consider.
Amazon Review
I am Sarah
This book is a brilliant and meticulously researched reimagining of the previously unnamed Biblical character Sarah, Jairus’s daughter, who was one of only three raised from the dead by Jesus. It is original in its premise, bold in its plot, and provocative in its theological and historical implications. Move over, Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code has a worthy rival for excitement, drama, and mystery.
Elizabeth Cottrell
Amazon Review
I am Sarah is mysterious; full of intrigue, humanity, love and suspense. Sarah daughter of Jarius whom Jesus raised from the dead takes the reader on a journey to show how Christ has impacted her life, the lives of others and history. James Davison is masterful in how he wove in little known historical details such as the Physicians school and especially with the story of Joan de Arc. Sarah, Elan and Lazarus demonstrate the power of Christ’s love for humanity and for healing a wounded souls and bringing justice to the world. I am anxiously awaiting book three.
Reverend Sherrie Hoffman
Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Once again, Davison weaves an entertaining tale while taking aim at false prophets, misguided institutions, and human hypocrisy. The author revisits familiar moments in history, reimagined through the eyes of his immortal protagonists. I am Sarah begs intriguing questions we all must consider.
E.A. Coe
Amazon Review
I Am Lazarus
I finished this book, in less than a week. It is a compelling story about three resurrected lives that span the formative years of christianity, and witness the great world events which ultimately brought us to where we are today. While the book relates the past in a riveting, first person narrative, it also begs the question: If I could live more than a thousand years, what great changes would I come to witness?
Mark Muse
Amazon Review
James Davidson takes you on an incredible journey with Lazarus, Sarah and Elan all raised from the dead by The Rabbi Master. They leave behind everything they have ever known to spread his message and bring Christianity to the darkest parts of the world going into hiding time and time again , always on the move to hide their immortality from those who want to kill them. I highly recommend this book. Take this amazing journey , you'll be glad you did!!!
Amazon Review
Fast-paced biblical fiction takes you on the journey of Lazarus, Elan and Sarah after their resurrection til modern times in 2020! Great read. Enjoy!
Amazon Review

Writing is a craft, and like any craft, experience is a necessary and fundamental component.

In his excellent book, “On Writing,” Stephen King has some of the greatest advice a writer could ever receive. I would also suggest “The Elements of Style,” by William Strunk, Jr.

A good writer must rely on experience

  • Good writing consists of mastering the fundamentals such as vocabulary, grammar, the elements of style.
  • To make a good writer from a competent one takes hard work, dedication, and timely help.
  • To be a writer, you must write AND read a lot!!
  • Omit needless words.
  • When you write a story, you’re telling yourself the story.
  • Your main job is taking out all the things that are NOT the story
  • The writer’s original perception of the character or characters may be as wrong as the readers.
  • Stopping a piece of work just because it’s hard, either emotionally or imaginatively, is a bad idea.
  • It’s easy to become careless in making rough comparisons, which are useful only if you and I see the world and measure things in it with similar eyes. Don’t write an instruction manual.
James A Davison

James A. Davison